
“Your book is always on the front seat of my car. It is “dog-eared” and highlighted. I often go out at lunchtime to read parts of it over and over again…it’s so helpful!”
Tonya (Reno)

“Thank you for your amazing book ! I love it and am reading it- savoring every sentence…I want to order six more copies.”
Patricia Fedanzo – School Nurse

“I have had the book for awhile … started to read it a couple of months ago (a couple of pages) and I put it down. The day I texted you I had been putting things away in my bedroom and saw your book on my nightstand. I picked it up and started reading and didn’t put it down until I was finished. I laughed, I cried and I really thought about every word and every concept you spoke of. Just let me say that I am glad that I waited and read it when I was ready.”
(Name Withheld)

“What I … I Can !… what an amazing book. I could not stop reading this book. I will use part’s of this book in my life coaching seminar’s.”
Certified life coach, Marcia Fialdini – (California/Nevada )

“My assistant Principal, saw me reading it …wants a copy of your book.”
Teacher/Chicago Public School – Source: Amazon Review

“5.0 out of 5 stars I believe this book could save someone’s life!”
February 21, 2014 Mrs. D.

“This book is a great book for those who find themselves struggling with “real” life. This writer uses language that can be read at the 5th grade level so that all people from all backgrounds can benefit from his great words and essential lessons that we all can apply to our own lives! I enjoyed this book and have shared it will ALL of my family old and young!”
Heidi D.( Nevada)

“This morning, for the First Time in my entire life, I read a book from start to finish in one sitting. I think everybody in the world has a lesson or two to learn from this book. Joseph Carlo Giampapa thank you so much for bringing me back to the person I once was. — reading What I Will…I Can!: Self- Empowerment Tools for Life.”
Gino G. (Texas)

“I have a habit a speaking what’s on my mind. Brilliant book… It is going to stay on the coffee table as a reference.”
(Name withheld)

“You are an inspiring speaker….from the heart with conviction. Thank you for your book…very much a reflection of your thoughts and beliefs… I can almost hear your voice [while reading]. ”

“…Another book that has helped (of course, along with the Holy Bible) is a book written by Joseph Carlo Giampapa. He is too modest to talk about his book, but I’m not! It’s helped me! The title is “What I Will…I Can.”
Glendanne (Carson City, NV)

“….Your new book ‘What I Will… I Can!!” should be in everyone’s ‘medicine’ cabinet, whether they need inspiration or not. I will read it more than once and if anyone’s observing this comment, I suggest you click on to www.JosephGiampappa.com right now. Molti connazionale grazie. ”
Nick N. (Virginia City)